Saturday 22 May 2010


What is so great about Mount Murud ?
Mount Mulu is the highest mountain in Sarawak. It is also a protected area. It has a 'non conventional' conventional centre, we called it the church camp which can accommodate 500 people at one time. It is not a snow capped mountain, so you will not be frozen there. It is also a montane forest, there are many wild flowers growing there.
To somebody, it is a holy land !
And to some others, it is a paradise !
Look at the beautiful wild orchids ! It will soften your heart after the hard climb !
Tour Details :Mount Murud or Muru (Malay: Gunung Murud) is a sandstone mountain located in the Malaysian part of Borneo. At 2,423 m (7,946 ft), it is the highest mountain in the state of Sarawak

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