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Tuesday 6 July 2010

Rich chicken stock from scratch

Many really great soups have stocks as their backbone, and making great homemade chicken stock isn't necessarily as hard as it might seem.  In fact, it's actually quite easy.  The main goal is to combine several flavorful vegetables and herbs with meat scraps and bones and boil/simmer the mixture until most of what's good in those ingredients passes into the liquid.  A good stock should really capture the flavor of whatever it is being made from, amplified and accentuated by herbs and aromatic vegetables.  They serve as a way to gain extra nutrition from the parts that might not be used as much as well, the bones in particular.  In fact, a great way to make stock is to save clean vegetable ends and the bones from the meals of the week, wrapped up or sealed nicely and put away in the fridge, and then to boil all of that, adding a little of this or that, at the end of the week.
Why should you invest the effort into making a good stock?  Besides that you're getting a two-for-one with the ingredients you buy, also because if you have good stock, then you'll almost definitely have good soup.  Incidentally, you can frequently get "soup bones" at the grocery store or from a butcher for a really low price if you ask.
  1. Bones with meat scraps from one or two chickens, raw or cooked;
  2. Three to four quarts of water;
  3. Two or three medium sized carrots, scrubbed and cut into chunks;
  4. Two to four ribs of celery (with leaves), washed and cut into chunks;
  5. One or two onions, roughly chopped;
  6. Several cloves of garlic, crushed and peeled (2-8 depending on taste);
  7. Several (3-6) bay leaves;
  8. A small handful (15-25) black peppercorns, whole;
  9. About a tablespoon of (good) salt;
  10. Several sprigs of fresh herbs, particularly parsley, thyme, oregano, and rosemary, stems included;
  11. The peels of several potatoes that were scrubbed well before being peeled.
  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large pot that has a lid.  Be sure to use enough water to cover all of the meat at least.
  2. Heat to a boil.
  3. Cover and simmer for several (3-6) hours.
  4. Skim the fat and strain out the ingredients, retaining only the liquid.
Tips and Variations:
  1. For a darker, more richly flavorful stock (though this isn't always desired), you can begin by browning the bones and meat more thoroughly in the large cooking pot (stock pot) or by broiling them under the broiler. This step is optional and makes a darker brown stock with a more caramelized, cooked flavor.
  2. To release more of the marrow into the stock, which is quite good for you, break the bones first, particularly the larger ones.
  3. Add mushrooms or mushroom stumps for a heartier flavor.
  4. Add sliced ginger for zest and greater depth of flavor.  In Chinese medicine, ginger stimulates and aids digestion.
  5. Add flavorful seeds like fennel seeds, but don't overdo it.
  6. Include other vegetables like sweet peppers or combine bones from other kinds of meats for a more complex stock.
  7. Add semi-medicinal fruit or herbs such as goji berries or elder berries/blossoms.  These, in particular, can have a great effect on boosting the immune system, something that chicken stock is already well known for.  Do not add herbs that you're unfamiliar with, however, as this could possibly be dangerous!
  8. For more gelatin and flavor in the stock, though it will make it fattier as well, include the chicken skin with the bones while you boil it.  Most of the additional fat can be skimmed off at the end.
  9. Include giblets in your stockpot for a richer, meatier flavor.
  10. Use your stock to make delicious soups like homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch!
Buy it locally!  Almost all of the ingredients for great stocks are leftovers from regular kitchen use, so there's little need to search for them, although for really great flavor, consider using premium-quality birds like those available from Laurel Creek Farms Pasture Raised Meats in Sunbright, TN.  They have a retail store at The Market at Washington and High in Maryville and visit farmers markets in Knoxville, Maryville, and Oak Ridge (see the link to their website above).  For specialty semi-medicinal ingredients like goji berries, visit either of the Earth Fare locations in Knoxville and pick some up in bulk.

MSG Symptoms Complex and Migraine Headaches | Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

Monosodium Glutamate and Migraines:

Monosodium glutamate is a food additive that serves as a flavor enhancer when added to foods. It is essentially a sodium salt of glutamic acid. Glutamate is a non-essential amino acid found in many foods such as meat, fish and vegetables. Monosodium glutamate or MSG has been the subject of a great deal of research and has had reasonable controversy surrounding it. The Food and Drug Administration has declared that monosodium glutamate is safe for consumption. However, studies have shown that some people tend to suffer from MSG symptom complex, also called Chinese restaurant syndrome. Symptoms of this syndrome include anxiety, nausea, excessive thirst, hyperactivity, chest pain and increased rate of heartbeat among many others.Migraine headaches are one of the symptoms of MSG symptom complex. Research does not prove a certifiable connection between MSG and migraines; however there are many studies that have linked certain food items with migraines. And MSG has been found to be present in all these foods. Migraine is also a symptom of Chinese restaurant syndrome, which is experienced by some individuals half an hour after eating at a Chinese restaurant. This is because MSG is used in large quantities in Chinese food and this also causes people to feel hungry very quickly after eating at Chinese restaurants. MSG is not always listed under its real name and remains hidden under many different names. Hence many a time, it becomes difficult for people suffering from MSG effects to be able to detect it and avoid it. The following ingredients are commonly listed on product labels and contain MSG; autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, gelatin, glutamic acid, hydrolyzed protein, monopotassium glutamate, sodium or calcium caseinate, textured protein, yeast nutrient and yeast food. Natural flavorings, stock, broth, malt extracts, soy protein and anything protein fortified are all products that contain MSG or produce MSG while being processed.The most important way to control the side effects caused by MSG is to avoid or restrict the intake of foods containing MSG. For this, you need to know the various products that use MSG as one of it ingredients. Besides, Chinese food, power drinks or sports beverages and some candy sweets and chewing gums also contain MSG in high quantities. Baked foods and bread products contain autolyzed yeast, a variation of MSG. Bakery foods that use fruits in it are also most likely to contain MSG. Canned foods most commonly have MSG in them, so it’s best to stay away from foods such as canned or tinned fish. Spices used in cold cuts also contain MSG. Dressings used for salads and soup powders may also use MSG. To prevent migraines that result from MSG consumption, the most essential way to ensure that your diet remains MSG-free. If you should inadvertently consume MSG, drink plenty of water as this will facilitate the flushing of this salt from your body and avert a migraine or at least reduce it drastically.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), the Taste that Becomes Toxic

Monosodium Glutamate, commonly known as MSG, is a widely used food additive to enhance the taste of food. The Ajinomoto Company of Japan is the largest producer of MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein which also contains Monosodium Glutamate.

After World War II, American food companies started adding it to processed foods and even baby foods  People first became aware of MSG's toxicity in 1957 when two ophthalmologists, Lucas and Newhouse, found that it destroyed the nerve cells in the inner layers of the retina of infant mice. One decade later, neuroscientist and researcher Dr. John Olney (1) found that it was not only toxic to the retina but also to the brain of the mice. Dr. Olney and others testified before the US congress regarding the dangers of this additive.In the following years, scientific research has confirmed that Monosodium Glutamate has a toxic effect on the brains of various animals such as monkeys, pigs, rabbits, etc.

Recent increases in neurological diseases have been attributed to the consumption of MSG. It has been linked to various neurodegenerative diseases (2) such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  Research links MSG to migraine headaches, seizures, asthma, ADD, ADHD, and heart irregularities to name a few.Scientists suggest that Monosodium Glutamate is the main culprit to the obesity epidemic due to the brain damage that it causes. There is growing evidence that it is also a major cause for the diabetes epidemic, and the high incidence of autism.

In a 2008 study, researchers Ka He (3) and colleagues at the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that Monosodium Glutamate intake causes weight gain.

It has been found to cause irritable bowel syndrome, stomach upsets, nausea and vomiting, or diarrhea.

This taste enhancing additive was widely used in the Chinese food in the USA. In 1968, many reactions to Chinese food led to the creation of the term "Chinese food syndrome" which is a collection of symptoms that some people experience after eating Chinese food.

Since the name MSG is linked with so many health problems, it is now disguised under various forms such as Ajinomoto, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable protein, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, yeast extract, textured protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed oat flour, etc. Other additives that contain MSG are: Beef and Chicken flavoring, stock, Flavoring, Malt flavoring, and seasoning among others.Wishing you Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness,

Monday 5 July 2010

Vagina Health Tips for a Sweet Smell

All women need to be aware of their vagina's health. Keeping it healthy means you will avoid infections and also have a pleasant odor and the tips enclosed will ensure that you have optimum vagina health

healthy vagina is home to a huge variety of minute organisms. Normally, they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents the overproduction of any one species in the vagina and helps combat foreign bodies that can infect it.

Vaginal infections are common and occur when the delicate balance is disrupted can cause discomfort in the area and unpleasant smells.

Firstly, the health of a women's Vagina and the smell are influenced by overall lifestyle, diet and weight.

If you follow the tips below you can ensure a healthy vagina so here they are:

1. Your Overall Diet

Eat a healthy diet. Cigarettes alcohol and drugs should be eliminated if you can or cut down, as should heavily spiced foods and junk food.

Try and eat as naturally as possible (food free of additives) and make sure you drink lots of water. What you put into your body comes out in its secretions and the vagina is the same. Ever noticed how your sweat smells differently after eating spiced food, then you will realize why this is so important.

2. Cleaning

Odor-producing bacteria can thrive on the vulva and need to be cleaned off regularly to prevent vaginal inflections and prevent odors.

Washing the genital area daily with a simple, fragrance-free soap is normally enough to keep the vagina area clean and fresh.

Your vagina self-cleans itself so douching is not required.

Furthermore, douching upsets the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem and can actually be harmful.

Because infections such as yeasts are found in the intestine, it is important after going to the toilet to wipe front to back i.e. you need to wipe the vagina area first and the rectum last!

During sex it is also very important to avoid contamination of the vagina area with organisms and bodies from the bowel, or rectum area.

3. Clothes to wear

To prevent vaginal infections and keep your vagina healthy make sure your clothing allows the area to breath. To do this avoids tight garments and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers such as nylon.

Remember, that tampons and diaphragms left for too long in the vagina can create a very strong unpleasant odor as well.

4. Safe sex

Finally, if you don't know your partner very well, always Use a condom and a spermicidal to reduce the chances of infection and disease.

If you are unlucky enough to get an infection, the symptoms are outlined below of three of the most common ones.

The good news is that to reclaim a healthy vagina is easy, if you are alerted to the problem and take action.

1. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) accounts for more than 50% of all vagina related health visits.

About half of all women with BV vaginal infections have no obvious symptoms.

The most common symptom is a thin, white to light grey discharge with an offensive fishy like smell that is extremely unpleasant.

The odor is strongest when the discharge is exposed to any alkaline substance and this includes soap and semen, it will therefore be at its strongest and most obvious after cleaning or sex.

BV is easy to treat and is normally treated by a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

2. Yeast

Although yeast infections are probably the most common type of vaginal infection, many women never bother to seek help.

Most simply recover naturally and others treat themselves with anti-fungal vaginal creams available without prescription from the chemist.

Symptoms of yeast infections include:

Vulvar itching combined with irritation in the vagina area and redness.

If the urinary opening becomes inflamed, urination will increase and discomfort will be present. If the infection is severe, the vulva will swell and fine breaks, called fissures occur. This causes vaginal discharges to become thicker and whiter.

Yeast infections are the result of excessive growth of a family of fungi that normally live in any healthy vagina, but when they increase the balance of the vagina is upset and problems occur.

The most common infection is vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which is usually caused by a fungus named Candida albicans.

There are two types of VVC:

Uncomplicated, a mild infection that responds to therapy. Or recurrent which, is more severe and often occurs in women who have diabetes or are infected with less treatable forms of yeast, such as Candida glabratia.

Recurrent VVC, normaly occurs more than four times a year and needs a long initial treatment of around two weeks and then a follow-up therapy course for up to 6 months or longer.

Certain factors are common causes such as nylon and Lycra clothing that traps heat and moisture, so be aware of our clothing tips for a healthy vagina we noted earlier.

Other common causes include:

Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system during illnesses, the use of oral contraceptives, and eating excessive amounts of sugars, starch, and yeasts.

If you do have a yeast vaginal infection, your doctor will ordinarily treat you with either prescription or nonprescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to earlier.

If you have a problem get professional help and you will soon have a healthy vagina. Do not ignore symptoms or think they will go away get help quickly.

3. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, or "trich," is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection suffered by a huge amount of women worldwide and this runs into tens of millions. While infection with trichomoniasis can be uncomfortable, it is not in anyway a serious threat to overall health.

The symptoms are normally vulvar and vaginal burning and itching. The burning is normally at its height after intercourse.

In addition, there may be vulvar swelling and frequent and uncomfortable urination. There is a heavy vaginal discharge, usually yellowish or green, which may or may not have an offensive smell.

The trichomonad is a minute parasite. It has three tails at its narrow end and swims with them and the white blood cells of the body follow.

These blood cells literally chase down the trichomonad and kill it by eating it.

Symptoms occur only when the body's natural defense are swamped by with sheer number of reproducing trichomonads and the white blood cells cannot cope.

Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed and antibiotic treatment cures it in the majority of cases.

vaginal odour treatment

What vaginal odour treatment is best for me? This is a question to be answered by your doctor and not from any unfamiliar source. Vaginal odour treatments come in many varied types, why? Quite simply in reply is because odours come varied too. Women need not fret because there may be a perfectly simple explanation for the odour occurring. However it is in your best interest to speak to your doctor to clarify this. If your GP detects a vaginal infection - then in a mad sort of way this is good news because, should no cause be found for why the odour then matters of confusion may prevail from trying to treat the unknown.

You are not to cower in a corner and live like a recluse. This is a natural and normal happening connected to the female and can happen to us all. The vagina is a self cleaning organ and one that is odourless. In reality no woman has a smelly vagina. What they have is a vagina which has reason to smell at times through causes. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of different bacteria. The chief symptom is vaginal discharge. BV is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. Discharge is often a greyish white and smells fishy. If you notice changes in your discharge in any shape or form seek medical advice.

Treating bacterial vaginosis is fairly straight forward. Treatment normally is a three to seven night prescription of Cleocin 2% vaginal cream. Oral antibiotics maybe suggested. Follow doctor's orders and instructions accordingly on purchased pharmacy products for positive results. Sadly women tend to suffer in silence due to embarrassment; this will not cure the problem. Problems are for solving, allowing any condition to advance can have treatment and dosage upped prolonging the curing process. Health issues need to be addressed and not dismissed in the manner of it going away because it may just not.

Vaginal odour treatments can be bought over the counter. Make sure your purchase is the appropriate solution. Home remedies are very popular for curing BV. One of the principal means of bacterial vaginosis home remedies is to help rebalance the normal vaginal flora. If results show positive then there is every chance of ridding the bacterial vaginosis infection forever.

Remember what works for one woman may not for the other.

1. Lactobacillusacidophilus and L. bifidus included in yogurt helps restore the acidic balance in the vagina. They can be taken by mouth or inserted into the vagina. It is important you seek guidance if possible. When applying/using home remedies ask your doctor for advice. Plain yogurt ingredient live acidophilus cultures can be taken orally. The acidophilus powder/capsules are often consumed by mouth. Skin around the vagina is very delicate and sensitive so be careful not to damage. Tampons soaked in yogurt are a proven method and can better the vaginal site.

2. Douching is not a common option recommended, however a boric acid douche is a good substitute to acidify the vaginal pH. This method works by deterring unwanted bacteria from amassing while at the same time wiping out what bacteria is present. Vinegar has many valuable purposes and one being the vinegar douche. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar per quart of warm water - this work wonders. Whatever vaginal odour treatment you choose have it checked out by someone in the medical profession

3. Vitamins to use for treating BVshould contain antioxidants i.e. A, C, D and E and B complex. Vitamins are vital in ones daily diet to keep healthy. Topical applications of vitamin E from prepared creams or powdered capsules help relieve itching. Not all vaginal infections cause itching. If you have an itch around the vagina it will not necessarily mean you have an infection, it could mean you are allergic or irritated by certain materials etc

4. Just like most medications there will be the no go order to follow. Stay clear of yeast foods which organisms flourish on, namely the dairy product cheese, beer, sweet chocolate, Chinese soy sauce, sugar and vinegar.

5. Taking a warm bath will help relax the body while soothing irritated genital tissues. Be weary of soap. This home method requires no soap as it can destroy the skin's natural oils that act as the body's natural lipid barriers.

6. A cold compress is good for reducing swelling and easing the urge to itch. This method encourages blood vessels to narrow and makes the region less likely to redden and swell.

Remember you are not alone and what you may have to say to your doctor will have all been heard before. So discard those blushes and say to your self when I leave this surgery I will come out smelling of roses.

Vagina Health & Smell

The vagina, similar to our mouth, is normally inhabited by a multitude of microscopic organisms.

The vagina's acidic environment prevents one species overpowering another, and inhibits infection. A healthy vagina actually smells quite sweet and pleasant.

Yet the change that occurs with any vaginal infection changes the smell immediately, and thus one can partially judge a vagina's state of health by its smell.

It should be noted that both the smell of a vagina and its being infected are directly related to a woman's lifestyle, her weight, and diet.

Some basic rules on Feminine Hygiene can both prevent infections and insure a sweet smelling vagina as well.


Because infectious agents such as bacteria and yeasts are found in the intestine, after defecation a woman must wipe herself from front to back vaginal area first, rectum after.

A bidet or immediate wash of the anus is also advised, with a rinse of the vulva with warm water.

Washing also the genital area often with a special ph balanced soap is also essential, and especially after each urination

Vaginal irrigation is not necessary as it usually disturbs the acid environment, and can allow yeast, for example, to flourish.

Women should discourage vaginal and anal intercourse alternation during he same session.

Once a man's penis or any object has entered the anus, it must not be allowed back in the vagina without disinfection.


Tight jeans and clothing look great, but they prevent the normal breathing function of the skin and especially an area like the vulva. This closed in effect will produce an unpleasant smell

For the same reason, woman is recommended not to wear panties during sleep.

Use of synthetic materials in clothing will also react with the bacteria on the skin, and the bacteria's waste product leaves a particularly unpleasant smell, so wear only 100% pure cotton or silk panties a majority of the time.

If you use tampons, change them very often. Left too long in a vagina, the tampon itself will be a major cause of order and even infection.


It has been shown that diet can affect directly the smell of the vagina. Eating less meat and meat products, and more fruit and vegetables have a very good effect on vaginal odor. Also, you must drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Sexual Conduct

The use of prophylactics (condoms) is highly recommended for all couples except those that are very familiar. Also if you allow a man to insert either his fingers or toys into your vagina, try to insure both are clean.

Vaginal Infections

This subject is covered in other articles dedicated to this subject, but any of the below can (and does) cause unpleasant vagina odor. In each and every incidence, you must see your gynecologist.

Bacterial Vaginosis.

This gives the characteristic fishy smell.

Yeast Infections.

Most women do not see their doctor with yeast infection, and resort to over-the-counter medicines. Symptoms include vulvar itching, redness and irritation. Painful intercourse. We recommend seeing a gynecologist.


This is a sexually transmitted illness with symptoms including vaginal itching, burning, and discharge. See your gynologist.

A bit of care goes a long way. Your vagina was meant to smell sweetly and as it normally cleans itself (both monthly and daily) your caution will be rewarded.

Vagina the Right Size and Does Size Matter

The Brits studied the vulvas and vaginas of premenopausal women and compared them. You may wonder why I mentioned vaginas and vulvas separately. While most women think of their vaginas and vulvas as a complete package; not so in medical circles. They look at the vagina as more of a penis receptacle and birth canal and the vulva is considered a doorway and pleasure center. If they only knew.

In this British study at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, in London, they measured everything about the vulva: the size of the clitoris; the size and location of the urethra; the size, color, texture and thickness of the labia; the location in relation to your anus. You get the idea. In another study they took measurements of the vaginas of 39 women.

Here is what they found: “women vary widely in genital dimensions.” Or in other words everybody is different and variety is normal. They did find that genital dimensions tend to mirror body type: the bigger a woman is and the taller she is the more likely she is to have a slightly larger vagina. A bigger role in vaginal size was age and the number of times a woman had given birth. The doctors found the length of the vagina varied between 2 ¾ inches and 5 ¾ inches while the width was between just under 2 inches to 2 ½ inches.

Another factor even more important for vagina size than a woman’s body type, age and number of child births are the strength and size of the vagina muscles or pelvic floor. Women with poor pelvic muscle development have vagina muscles as small as a ½ inch thick, while women with healthy and strong vaginas have muscles 2 inches thick or more.

While a woman can’t change the appearance and location of her vagina she can control the tightness, strength and health of her vagina through proper pelvic exercise. While Kegel exercises are a good place to start, for a woman to properly exercise her
vagina muscles and get the maximum benefits (not only a tight vagina but better orgasms too) she needs to use a pelvic exerciser.

Women have a great advantage over men in this regard. While it is possible for man to make his penis larger, the process is painful and takes months. For a woman who uses a pelvic exerciser she can tighten herself up in just a few weeks and the process is easy and enjoyable.

All About Healthy Vagina and Womens Issues

Vagina shaving should be performed safely as it is a very sensitive area. Any mistake could lead to extensive bleeding. It takes a lot of carefulness to do vagina shaving. The vagina becomes ultra sensitive, just before, during and after the menstrual cycle. So the vagina shaving should be done after the periods.

A lot of women believe that the pubic hairs protect the vagina from bacteria as well as friction. But there is also a belief that the pubic hair actually breeds bacteria, which is the reason behind the unpleasant vaginal odors. Also if the pubic hair shaving is regularly practiced, then there is no possibility of friction.

Females get injured while shaving the vagina. Vagina shaving can be done while standing in the tub or taking a shower with one leg up, with taking support of something not slippery. A toilet seat is a good option. On a toilet seat, it is easy to reach all the vagina area and it makes the shaving very easy. Vagina shaving involves shaving the pubic hairs around the vagina and the stray hairs inside the edge of the major labia lips.

Women who practice vagina shaving say that it makes them feel not only fresher and cleaner, but also more attractive. Another best thing of vagina shaving is that the hairs do not get caught in the panties. Women say vagina shaving gives more sensual and attractive look. Vagina shaving increases the sexual pleasure. Men find women more attractive if hairs are not down there. It is often complaint about the men that it is really unpleasant to get the pubic hairs into the mouth.

Actually, a smooth vaginal area with no single hair increases the sensitivity in a woman and responsiveness in a man.
Shaving should be done in the direction the hair growth. It should begin with the lower part of the vagina. Both the sides should be done first and then the front.

The skin of the vagina should not be given too much pressure. Also repeated strokes should be avoided. These actions only irritate the skin.

For the major labia lips, the skin should be pulled and flatten tautly in one hand while using the razor across with the other. This part of the vagina is the most sensitive, so proper care should be taken while shaving.

Vagina should be washed with warm water to remove any remaining lubricant. Then again with cold water, the vagina should be rinsed off. This closes the pores and calms the irritation.

When the hairs are removed in large amount, the shaving should be done against the way the hair grows. This gives a close and clean shave.I heart FeedBurner