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Saturday 22 May 2010


Murud, Sarawak

The Kelabit highlands is one of Sarawak's last unspoiled regions with beautiful flora and a cool refreshing climate. The journey from the lowlands to highlands will have you passing by green pastures of fruit orchards, paddy fields with buffaloes and other farmland animals and rustic wooden homes that's surrounded by virgin jungle. The vegetation changes as you ascend and along the way, you witness the local life with plenty of opportunity to interact with the friendly natives, mainly Lun Bawang and Kelabit tribes. The Pitcher Plant Murudensisprogram includes a climb up to Mount Murud summit which at 2423m/7946ft is the highest sandstone mountain in Sarawak. The first person to have successfully climbed to the summit is a Swedish Zoologist and Ethnographer, Eric Mjöherg, in 1922 after several failed attempts a few years earlier by J.C. Moulton who was a curator of the Sarawak Museum then.  Mjöherg was astounded by the many species of plants especially pitcher plants that are endemic to this location. He documented many of plants and flowers, describing the mountain as a paradise which will forever be embedded in his mind. Many locals regard Mount Murud as a sacred location. Rumors of many astounding miracles is said to have happened here. Local folks make an annual pilgrimage to celebrate its majesty, therefore, it is no surprise that you will find a large church camp made of many assembled wooden houses on a plateau which can accommodate 1500 people.
Church Camp

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