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Monday 2 August 2010

Niah Caves, Miri National Park, Sarawak

Petrocarpus forest dominates in Borneo. The gnarly things are roots of some of the climbers.
Niah Caves is situated near Batu Niah town. less than 5 km We came in from Miri 120km away it's a city with lots of hotels, amenities, airport and petrochemical processing facilities. Visitors can now use this as base for various visits to the national parks in the district and even going into  Brunei.


The stones have this strange green hue which kinda glows a bit.
I felt tempted to join them lazing in the shallows too I had limited time so too bad.
The forest scenery is nice and  very little mosquitoes. Main Paths are paved  concreted and easy on the legs. I was  out for the birds chattering and the monkeys. Maybe the occasional shotgun too, the aborigines were hunting that day. No more blowpipes for them, lucky thing I never heard any automatic gunfire or i would have left, national park or otherwise.
Entrance to the Great Cave is via Traders Cave. This is smaller cave where the people erected platforms to trade.  The log poles are still there. You have some idea of the scale from the photos. A human is very very tiny in the cave.

The archeological dig is at the entrance of the Great Cave. Wash your hands & refresh yourself with the water falling from the cave roof if available.

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