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Saturday 30 October 2010


Okra/lady's finger is one of the most common vegetables of the South-Asian countries. It is used in preparing many yummy and delicious dishes. When cut, it releases a sticky material with thickening properties, often used in soups and stews,spicy fried shrimp paste, sambal belacan and are some well-known dishes which frequently use okra.It is low in Sodium, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol, thus, an ideal diet for human consumption High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, thiamine, Vitamin B6, Foliate, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, 
Pretty common in the Asian and African countries, lady's finger dishes are also popular in American and western countries.
I am recommended the way i am cook okra in my own way as my favorite dish for my lunch..try my recipe for my okra sambal.

 500 gm okra wash 
5 table spoon dry shrimp paste(Brunei home made belacan
15fresh bird eye chili
1/2 table spoon chicken stock
10 lime juice
place the bird eye chili,sugar,salt,shrimp paste,chicken stock,combine till the ingredient are well done mix in mortar.and then place the ingredient into a bowl and pour in lime juice,mix and set a side. bring pot with water and boil when the water boiling place the okra and bring to boil.boil around 4munites and season with salt and drain the water place in to the plate and serve hot.

The Winged Bean (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus)



 The Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), also known as the Goa bean (kacang botolAsparagus Pea and Winged Pea (Lotus tetragonolobus), is a tropical legume plant native to Papua New Guenia. It grows abundantly in hot, humid equatorial countries, from the Philipines and Indonesia to India, Burma, thailand and Sri Lanka. It does well in humid tropics with high rainfall. There are also varieties that can be grown in most areas of the U.S.. 
The winged bean plant grows as a vine with climbing stems and leaves, 3–4 m in height. It is an herbaceous perennial, but can be grown as annual. It is generally taller and notably larger than the common bean. The bean pod is typically 15–22 cm 6–9 in long and has four wings with frilly edges running lengthwise. The skin is waxy and the flesh partially translucent in the young pods. When the pod is fully ripe, it turns an ash-brown color and splits open to release the seeds. The large flower is a pale blue. The beans themselves are similar to soybeans in both use and nutritional content being 29.8% to 39% protein.So try my delicious recipe for these goa bean(kacang botol)


  •  200Gm dry shrimp blanch
  • 10 Gm goa bean slice thinly 
  • 3 Table  spoon  shrimp paste 
  • 10bird eye chili chop 
  • 400 Large squid clean and slice 
  • 3 Table spoon vegetable oil 2 Large onion chop1 Table spoon of mince garlic
    2 table spoon grain chili paste
    1/2 Salt and chicken stock to taste

Heat the pan with oil,add mince garlic squid,grain chili paste,dry shrimp,shrimp paste and add in goa bean and large onion mix equally and  last add salt and chicken stock to taste.ready to severe

Wednesday 27 October 2010



 Momordica charantia is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family , widely grown for edible fruits, which is among the most bitter of all fruits . Names for the plant and its fruit include bitter melon, bitter gourd.The original home of the species is not known, other than that it is a native of the tropics. It is widely grown in India,Nepal and other parts of the Indian subcontinent,south East Asia, China, Africa, and the Caribbean

Bitter melon is often used in Chinese cooking for its bitter flavor, typically in stir-fries (often with pork and douche), soup.Try this recipe of spicy shrimpaste egg  for bitter melon or bitter gourd:


2Tablespoon dry shrimp paste mix with little bit of water
1/2 Teaspoon salt

1/2Teaspoon chicken stock(secukup rasa maggi)

3 fresh  egg

4spoon of chili paste 

Bitter gourd slice

2 Tablespoon of fresh Garlic mince 

Red chilli fresh


Slice the bitter gourd into thin pieces and roll them in 1 tbsp. salt. Let the slices sit for about four minutes, as this helps the water to seep out of the vegetable and gets rid of some of the bitterness. Squeeze the remaining moisture from the vegetable by hand.Add oil to the frying pan and turn stove to medium heat. Fry  the garlic,egg bitter gourd until it is dark brown. Fry all of the red chilies,shrimp paste  and put them aside for later. then add of salt and the  chicken stock, and then turn off heat,serve while hot.


Parkia Speciosahassk (Petai)


The beans are popular in Asia, particularly Malaysia, Northern India, Indonesia and Thailand. They are sold in clusters, still in their pod, or the seeds are sold separately in bags most  expensive bean MYR 7 per cluster.  They are also pickled in brine and exported in jars.You'll either love it or hate it. It's hard to ignore the petai beans. Known to the botanist as Parkia speciosa, and to the common man as stink beans, the petai bean is one that you can only acquire a taste for. Reason being it has a very strong all-pervasive smell that lingers in the mouth and in the excretory systems of the body.Besides its culinary uses, Parkia speciosa beans are said to be beneficial in treating a number of health conditions. Hence, its uses can have far-reaching benefits.i caught this recipe with my dad how the way he method this Parkia Speciosa beans.This are the ingredient.


3 tablespoons peanut oil
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
19 sliced hot chillies
3 tablespoon dry shrimp paste(Brunei home made belacan)
1 tablespoon chili paste or chilli powder
500 g/1 lb fresh petai seeds
1 tablespoon sugar or brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2teaspoon chicken stock (secukup rasa maggi)
1/2cup of water

Heat oil  after 30 seconds add chopped garlic  and sliced chillies and stir-fry for 1 minute.
Add belacan (dry shrimp paste )and fry, crushing it against the wok with back of frying spoon.
Add  chili paste,Add the petai and 1/2 cup water, stir into the spice mixture, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes or until petai are tender. Stir in sugar. Serve with plain rice.




Other exotic tropical plants are grow wild in Malaysia and other tropical country, the origin country of  these plants are Antilles. Tropical soda apple are known as "terung pipit" in Malay the scientific name call Solanum Torum.tropical soda apple are contains 2% protein, 0.1% fat, 7.9% Vitamin A, Zinc,vitamin BI. These type of vegetable also contain alkaloid 0.84% solasodine,.and very importance process birth control pills for woman. Also mostly these Tropical fruits are delicious as serve as a dish like cook it with spicy chili sambal shrimp. I am also try to make my own way to method these delicious tropical fruits and it safe and free chemicals it because the exotic tropical fruits in-need fertilizer it because it suite to what ever land or soil condition.  
 500Grm anchovy clean and remove the head
10 Bird eye chili
5 ]Cloves of  Red onion slice
4 Cloves of Garlic mince
Small basket exotic solanum toruum swartz (terung pipit)
 Chicken stock half  tea spoon ( secukup rasa Maggi brand)
3Tbl spoon of vegetable cooking oil
1/2 cup of water

 Heat the wok 3tbl spoon cooking oil,anchovy,slice red onion ,minced garlic, bird eye chili stir till all ingredient until fragrance and add in exotic tropical soda apple ,water ,salt ,chicken stock mix well lets the water dry out for 5 munites,and when the water dry out turn the fire off and serve hot with plain rice.happy enjoyed..

Monday 25 October 2010



These typical of mushroom growth in in any place any any weather and growth dead tree or branch,its call
 jelly ears mushroom (cendawan telinga) back home at my village these typical of mushroom grow wild everywhere on the branch or on the tree log ,so we pick it and cook for our lunch during planting a paddy. It very delicious when boil  soup with anchovy during hot day this mushroom are safe to eat and contain no chemical or poison..these are my recipe for my home made fresh jelly ears mushroom soup :


1.300ml fresh clean water

2.A bucket.fresh jelly ear mushroom wash and remove the mushroom bottom

3.A bowl of clean anchovy plucked the head out


5.anchovy cube stock use half of the cube to taste

6.white paper powder (use little amount of paper)
7.1garlic mash (do not mince the garlic)

8.onion cut into half and slice.
turn the stove on and place the pot fill in the water and boil the jelly ear mushroom about 20munites.when the soup boiling add salt,anchovy cube,paper, onion ,garlic and srir the soup turn off the fire and place it in a bowl and serve with plain white rice.



Sunday 24 October 2010



FAMILI: Flacourtiaceae,Pangium Edule.


Nick Name:Football fruits nuts
Tree sized: 25meter tall
Fruits sized:medium

Does anyone knows this tropical fruit? This fruit is known as "buah kepayang"(Malay) and the scientific name is ,
Pagium Edule, Flacourtiaceae,known as Black nuts.The skin looks Grey brown and the texture of the skin is  slightly rough and sandy. The seed is hard as stone and it can be eaten after it has been boiled. 

The leaves of this tropical fruit can be use to kill parasite worm. The acids "hydroscyanic" can cause death to humans and animals. This unique fruit needs to be cautious when it comes to cooking, if it's done in the wrong way it will cause death. For those who don"t know how to cook this fruit, get an expert or traditional expert to teach you the methods of cooking.

Methods on how to cook this unique fruit. 
1. Firstly open the fruit and removed the seeds out from the yellow flesh..
2. Rinse the seeds trough the running water.
3. Fill the pot with fresh clean water and fill a bucket of  black nut into the pot and boiled about 1 hour until you see the black nuts have a big crack and the water turn black.
4.Turn the stove off and rinse the seeds out from the pot and use a knife to open the seeds to take the nuts out from the shells. 
 (Reminder:) Some nuts are hard to open so in order to take the nuts from the shells easily, use a hammer or something that is able to break, to make abit crack on the shells and use knife  to pull the brown nuts out.
5.Then place the nut in to the net  rinse the nuts and soak the nut into the running water. It is advisable to soak the nuts in the flowing river because the flow of the running river able to wash away the bitterness of the fruit instantly rather than you soaked the nuts under the tap water as the bitterness will not be fully gone.
6.Soak the nuts about 3 to 4days and enjoy delicious creamy nuts whenever your belly is ready to eat the nuts. Following these methods, you will definitely be safe. Enjoy Trying!